Water Bottles

The Benefits of Different Reusable Water Bottles

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There are many sacrifices responsible consumers make for the good of the environment. When you forgo the convenience of skipping into work in your car in order to suffer the long route and several stops of the bus, this is undoubtedly a sacrifice. There are some other decisions, however, that are real win-wins for both the consumer and the environment. Making use of reusable water bottles instead of buying new containers all the time is one such environmentally conscious decision. Having a reusable bottle is simply convenient and ensures that you can work water replenishment easily and efficiently into your daily routine.

There is a more serious side to this decision as well though, one which involves your very health. It is a common myth about water consumption that any old plastic container will do the job for a drinking bottle. This is simply not true. Some forms of plastic, such as that from which milk bottles are composed, do actually degrade and leave traces of plastic in the water itself. Proper reusable water bottles, on the other hand, are specifically designed never to do this. Furthermore, by just using any old container, you run the risk of residual contaminants from whatever substances it held before. Even if you have thoroughly cleaned the bottle, this is still a risk.

Furthermore, if you find yourself using any filtered water products, it’s imperative that you have a specific water container to use for this water. Synergy Science, water product specialists, say that filtration is a highly efficient process that can remove even the most minute contaminants.Simply adding them again from your water container can render the entire process worthless.

Different Types of the Reusable Water Bottles

So, the benefits of getting a good reusable water bottle are obvious, but how do you decide which type is right for you? That will depend upon the same factors as the type of water that is right for you.

Generally speaking, a good reusable water bottle will always prioritize convenience of use, hygiene, and durability. That much we can say for sure. Beyond that though, the best water bottles will be the ones that best suit your hydration needs. Here follows the main types and the benefits of each:


As mentioned, not all plastic containers are suitable for storing drinking water. However, youcan be sure that plastic water bottles will not pose any threat of contamination or residual substances, so long as you only use them for water.Nonetheless, be sure to go with the highest qualityas there have been debates about the relative safety of different kinds of plastic.


Aluminum bottles can last a lifetime and will never show the external wear that will affect all plastic bottles over time. Aluminum will also not deposit any harmful substances into the water.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is usually held up as the gold standard for metal water bottles. It will not degrade, is exceptionally durable, and it also manages to be suitably lightweight for water-carrying purposes.


A relatively uncommon option, glass water bottles are nevertheless widely available. Glass is, of course, a completely natural material ultimately derived from the very rock which all water passes through before we extract it from the Earth. Many people also say that the “purest” taste comes from glass bottles.

From filtered to purified to hydrogen water, there are many different types of hydration options out there; there are also plenty of different water bottles. Choose right, and they could last you for many years, which is even more reason a good reusable water bottle is a solid investment.

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